As evolving energetic beings on an evolving planet, we are constantly in need of re-evaluating our nourishment from food.

I have spent more than 25 years nourishing and healing myself through food choices and preparation styles, all the while having fun and evolving as I went. Physical healing was rather simple, though it took time to change old patterns and learn new cooking techniques. Spiritual expansion required much more finesse and was the beginning of my understanding and consuming food vibrationally.

My personal journey has been from a standard American diet to an organic ‘whole foods diet, to a plant-based diet to what I currently practice and teach; high-frequency, whole foods, organic, nutritarian diet.

The fundamental or metaphysical nature of food is energy, as is art and all things. Our bodies are energy, our spirit is energy, color and patterns have energy, and even our thoughts are energy. The higher the energy, the less disease and the more creativity and capacity across the board. So it makes sense to me to eat high-frequency foods as a visionary artist and photographer.

The art and the photography that I practice come directly out of a consciousness shift that takes place, intentionally raising my vibration, either through food, meditation, movement, etc. For example, photographing the consciousness of flowers, a very high-vibration practice raises my own frequency/energy and so does consuming the same (safely edible) flower consciousness.

To learn more about consultations and my approach, click here.

There is no difference between mind~body~soul when it comes to nourishment; it’s all energy in motion.

Below are recipes from my blog I created or altered to maximize their energetic gifts ~ enjoy!

My top 3 favorite must know food recipes are:

Collards ~ brilliant green ~ healthy ~ tasty

Chicken Soup ~ revival recipe

Garlic with penicillin-like properties

Read through my entire blog: art ~ food ~ etc.

Search my food blog:

In front of my house on Capitol Hill. Photo by Maria Helena Carey