sprouted & steamed French lentils ~ kicking up the vibration and digestibility

Sprouted lentil salad with chocolate mint, serve chilled or at room temperature. Food and beverages served at room temperature or warm are easier to digest. :)

Sprouting is one of the best ways to energize any type of seed. French lentils sprout quickly and easily, and increase the amount of energy as well as nutrients in your meal.

This recipe is one that requires you look in your garden for a fresh herb that you would like to use. I have lots of chocolate mint growing right now, so that Is my herb of choice. Garden fresh herbs are packed with all kinds of life force and micronutrients.

Ingredients (organic and as fresh as you can get them)

  • 1 c French lentils

  • 1-2 T finely chopped fresh herb - I used chocolate mint as that is what is growing right now (may/June) in my garden.

  • 2-4 cloves of garlic minced at least 10 minutes before you add them to the salad. Preparing your garlic ahead of time ensures it’s maximum release of energy and antibacterial properties.

  • 1 TBS hulled hemp hearts (omega 3)

  • 1 TBS Raw, unfiltered olive oil

  • Dash of acid (lemon, vinegar, etc)

  • Salt and pepper to taste

  • Apple Cider Vinegar and baking soda for soaking

Sprouting instructions (2-3 days)

  1. Soak the lentils in gently warmed water, changing the water at least once. They should soak about 24 hours.

    • Use spring or filtered water

    • water should cover the lentils with 2” to spare

    • add a pinch of baking soda and and a tbs of apple cider vinegar

  2. Remove the skins. The skins of the lentils are actually the least digestible part. In the soaking bowl, gently stir the lentils around with your fingers, you will see the skins separate and float. They are lighter than the lentils so you can tip the bowl into the sink and drain off the skins. Repeat several times til the majority of the skins have been removed.

  3. Wrap the lentils loosely in a damp non-fiberous (preferably linen or cotton) kitchen towel, and place in a big enough bowl that they have some room to move around. Fold the damp cloth over the lentils ~ simulating the earth so they will sprout. Make sure the cloth stays a little damp. Pick up the edges of the cloth and move them around from time to time. They should sprout at least 1/4” tails within a day or two. If you want, you can change the towel each day.

Note: When the temperature is about 68-72, this may take 1-2 days. The warmer the temperature, the faster it they will sprout.

sprouted lentils in a steamer over a cast iron pan with water, I used any large lid to hold in the steam.

sprouted lentils in a steamer over a cast iron pan with water, I used any large lid to hold in the steam.

Steaming the lentils (8-12 minutes)

  • There are plenty of ways to cook lentils, but this is rather fast and gentle and helps you get the most from your sprouted lentils. I like to use a steamer.

  • Fill about 1/2” of water in a pot or I used a cast iron skillet and bring to a boil.

  • Place the steamer basket over the boiling water and fill it with the lentils, cover and steam around 8 minutes. You can taste a lentil to see if it is al dente or you would like it softer.

Final preparation (1 minute)

  • Place the lentils in a bowl and add all the ingredients and gently toss. (Make sure you minced the garlic before you steamed the lentils)