The Alchemy of Flowers 2020

Self portrait with a mask on a walk past the US Capitol ~ merging with flowers

Self portrait with a mask on a walk past the US Capitol ~ merging with flowers

I have often been driven to alchemy of any sorts. But this particular year, in the freshest and clearest spring of my entire life experience on this earth, I am immersed in flowers.

I knew change was coming. I had been given a heads up in early January. In February, I began taking long walks, and noticing and taking photos of the details of flowers. Diving deep into their sacred geometric designs, always unique, always reinventing. By March, as the governments around the world collectively decided it was prudent to close the bulk of the economy, the skies became clearer and the flowers I was studying and photographing became more intense, in both design and color. The energy emanating out of these flowers became stronger and stronger. I took more and more photos. Not knowing what I was going to do with these photos I began to share them on social media.

In April, I stepped into another timeline or dimension and a vision appeared that I could use the energy, color and pattern of flowers to restore, bring, invite peace, integrity and balance to whatever the flowers interacted with. You could call it something dramatic like a flower war on the pandemic or a Flower Revolution. Either way, I can see its effects unfolding on people and iconic structures that it interacts with and so I am pleased.

In this alchemy that is taking place, it is not my goal to specify any outcome, just to do what I can, share my gifts with the world. It is my truth to offer a path to all who are interested in a higher consciousness, a Unity or Universal consciousness, or a 5th dimension, or shangrala, however you want to define it. If my flower alchemy assists in the unfolding of an kinder, freer, heartfelt existence, then I am ecstatic to be sharing this gift with you!

And so it is and so we are!

To see some of the flowers that I have gathered, please click here

To see some of the masked faces that have been merged with flowers, please click here

~ Karin