Edible Flowers ~ Edible Consciousness

A Fun Fact: The dandelion is the only flower that represents the 3 celestial bodies of the sun, moon and stars. The yellow flower resembles the sun, the puffy seed ball resembles the moon and the dispersing seeds resemble the stars. They rise with the sun every morning morning and close as the sun goes down every evening.

Cosmic forces are in constant evolution. The sun is ever-expanding, and the earth is always shifting 

A divinely bestowed appointment of flowers is to synthesize sunlight and the energy of the earth to assist an ever-expanding consciousness. This is what we use to evolve.

The intellect has little to do on the road to discovery. There comes a leap in consciousness, call it intuition or what you will, and the solution comes to you and you don’t know how or why. All great discoveries are made in this way. — Albert

Flowers assist with that leap of consciousness. — Karin

I am an artist, always working within the realms of what is possible as a deeper understanding. During the recent pandemic, I began taking long walks and hearing the voices of flowers. They were asking me to take their photos. I started with my iPhone in hand. I pushed the phone’s limits to capture the depths of the flowers, adding lenses and software that would assist with what the flowers were trying to get me to notice. Eventually, I began to capture flowers’ energy, auras, and other intrinsic aspects within their endless creative colors, patterns, and shapes. 

This 6”x6” energetically infused beautifully printed photography book is designed to delight and awaken the viewer to the magic of flower fairies. This collection of intimate flower images captures of fairies collaborating with flowers, amplifying the intrinsic vibration of their unique patterns, colors, and shapes to create playful and omnipotent healing energies.

As part of my journey as a nutritional cook, I have been studying the consciousness and energy of food, so it was natural for me to start eating flowers. Flowers have been known forever as useful essences, medicine, and decoration, but not so much to obtain a leap in consciousness.

There are many ways to take in the energy of flowers. You can sit among them, you can gaze at a photo or painting of them, you can use flower essences, some of them have high-vibrational aromas you can inhale, and, you can eat them. 

The energy you take in may be profound or subtle. But keep with it, trusting you are consuming the highest vibrations of energy available. 

I like to pause all my thoughts while I lay a single petal on my tongue and allow the energetic vibration of that flower to seep into my being, sensing their flavor, texture and color as a transformational experience.

Ideas for absorbing the consciousness from eating flowers; 

Keep a garden with seasonal edible flowers that bloom year-round.

Easy edibles to grow are:

  • Pansies and violas or violets are fun in the fall, spring, and sometimes winter 

  • Marigolds for the summer and fall are great for the eyes. 

  • Roses have several blooming seasons

  • Herbs bloom at different times, Rosemary first, then sage, chives, etc. 

  • Sunflowers are great for late summer and fall

  • let your cruciferous plants like kale and arugula bolt, as their flowers are all edible

  • Other common garden flowers that are edible include zinnias, camomile, passion flowers, hibiscus or rose-of-Sharon, and begonias, really the list is endless. 

Consider adding edible tree flowers to your property such as;

Cherry blossoms baked into crackers

  • Cherry, both flowering cherry and fruiting

  • Redbud,

  • Magnolia

  • Hawthorn

  • Apple, and one of my favorites, the

  • Linden tree, the flower is commonly used for teas. 

Start Foraging flowers that individually call attention to them

I like to forage for flowers on long contemplative walks, making me sensitive to their communications. A flower will catch my attention and I can feel them speaking, asking for me to, take a photo, taste them, or sit with them for a while. I will taste a single petal if I am drawn to absorb their energy by eating them. Sometimes I take their photo first. Or I will take them back in a little paper bag I keep on hand for later use in a salad or other dish. I like to consume flowers fresh, when their energy is at its highest, hence you see many of my food photos are of flowers as a topping for salads, soups, quick sautees, and beverages. Heating or cooking the flowers decreases their energy slightly but can increase their nutrient value. Flowers are like many other foods that contain their highest energy closer to their initial harvesting. Much of the time I forage from my backyard and alley.

Tips for foraging;

  • Bring a paper baggie if you want to take some home. Paper bags do best to keep them fresh. (If you are storing them in a fridge for use later, move them to a sealed container.)

  • You only need a few flowers as it does not take much to recieve their consciousness-shifting gifts. 

  • Until you trust your knowledge, cross reference what’s edible sources

  • Choose flowers from areas that don’t look like they are being fertilized, roadside flowers are often less toxic than some garden flowers. 

  • Get to know your weeds like clover, dandelion, and chicory (some of the greatest synthesizers of energy and soil regeneration).

  • Get quiet on your searches and see if you can sense which flowers are calling you to them.

  • Try just one petal of a flower at first.

  • If you are not planning on using the flowers immediately away, keep them in a sealed container in the fridge for up to a week.

  • Be responsible, and do not over-harvest flowers, pick them from places you “shouldn’t” or pick rare flowers ever! Rare flowers are better photographed and gazed at in this manner.

Add flowers to your meals to absorb their consciousness

Pansies and Violas make an amazing salad topping ~ adding uplifting light and color

  • Delicate flowers make great toppings for salads and soups or gazpacho’s

  • Heartier Flowers are better for sautees, candying and pickling

  • Use them and baked goods

    Note: the fresh energy may be decreased by baking, pickling, and sauteeing, but their antioxidant and other beneficial and nutritional properties may be increased.

Use can Flowers nutritionally

Flowers are relatively understudied for their nutritional content. However, here are a few we do know about; 

  • Redbuds have 25% protein content

  • Marigolds are rich in lutein which is good for the eyes

  • Most studied edible flowers have high phenolic compounds and other bioactive properties making them potentially super healthful 

  • Nearly all studied flowers are antioxidants

  • Most studied edible flowers are antimicrobial - one reason I rarely wash them before consuming

Other great ways to absorb the energy of flowers

  • Sit amongst them and meditate

  • Keep photos and artwork of flowers around you.

  • Keep at least one of the books I’ve co-created with the flowers which store the energy of the flowers contained within them for when you need an uplifting moment. You can try keeping one under your pillow and let their energy gently infuse you throughout the night. 

  • Capture photos of flowers and glance at them when you need a little energetic boost. 

Other interesting things to know about flower energy and its uses; 

  • Keep some cut flowers by your computers! Flowers naturally emit negatively charged ions that can help balance EMFs from electronics which emit positively charged ions.

  • Bees use positive ions created from buzzing their wings to magnetize the negatively charged pollen to their bodies. 

  • Many studies have proven that looking at flowers, receiving flowers from others, and having flowers around, reduces stress, and elevates moods and connections to others.

  • For more information on the conscious shifting energy of flowers, please read my blog post on Botanical Superconsiousness

Flowers silently create new consciousness on behalf of this earth and its inhabitants. Their glorious and silent dedication to this effort has inspired countless works of art, poetry, and songs. They have sent me a powerful message to share;

We are all part of the same Loving Divine Origin, connected by our mere existence.

Flowers are gently assisting us as we all embody this Truth. They will continue to expand our capacity as humans, so it is time to send them a little gratitude!

PS, To experience a high-vibrating flower book with many images that can assist in many ways, please check out my new book on the Intrinsic Natures of Flower Fairies here.

Some References


