Personalized Inspirational Flower Note Card

Personalized Inspirational Flower Note Card


Flowers have for many years, help heal and assist people through their unique essence, beauty, and medicinal properties.

Flowers are now expanding consciousness through the divine messages they share.

This flower Message notecard includes a personalized intuitively chosen inspirational flower image and message specific to you and your journey.

Fill out the form attached to your purchase. Include a question, describe a situation, or simply ask for a flower to share their message with you.

Note, all are printed on organic cotton archival paper using archival inks. Expect cards to arrive via mail within 10 business days.

PS, For more information about the energy of flowers, read my blog ‘Botanical Superconsciousness’

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As a spiritually-guided photographer spending time deep inside flower patterns and colors, waves of a new consciousness of love and oneness overcome me. I realize the flowers are sharing energetic portals to something new I often refer to as The New Earth. In this new reality, our hearts lead, and navigating challenges becomes easier, even fun.

The flowers’ energetic messages can be key to removing blocks to healing and spiritual growth.

Keep your flower notecard in a place that feels right and is easy to access when you are in need of an energetic boost or a heart-based solution to a situation.

Your flower image and message will continue to assist you as you move through your life’s journey.
